Our Vision!

Support Line 9:00 to 17:00

Online Schedule


Our Vision

CEO / Head Paediatric Nurse

HertsNursing was established in 2021 in the middle of a global pandemic. After Covid-19 reached the UK, we saw an increased number of patients, adults and children coming into hospitals all over the country. We faced a lack of medical equipment and shortages of PPE and medical personnel. Working during the pandemic was challenging and difficult for many. During that time, on one of her regular shifts, our Lead Nurse came up with the idea of community triage. In this way, we can redirect people to the appropriate services, i.e. GP, urgent care, and pharmacy, thus easing the pressure on our hospitals while ensuring that patients’ safety is not compromised and quality of care is preserved.

Our lead nurse comes from a Paediatric A&E background. Since qualifying, she has always been working in emergency rooms, and her vision is to try and keep children away from hospitals as much as possible and give parents the confidence and empowerment to care for their unwell children at home if they do not need hospitalisation. That is why introducing this new service into the community would mean parents were supported at home and children had their rapid health check up (triage) done at home rather than hospital. Of course, in case of serious illness children would still be redirected appropriately for further management of their condition.

Recently, our nurse also noticed that there is a ‘pandemic’ of sleep-deprived caregivers and children due to poor sleep hygiene, lack of consistent bedtime routines and lack of education on the methods that can be used to help and support the whole family. The demand for sleep consultants has risen in recent years, and now we are proud to announce that we will provide sleep coaching services to parents nationwide.

“Our vision is to bring change not only to our local community but to the whole population in the UK and serving not only parents and children but also our country’s healthcare”.
